Monday 26 August 2013


So I've decided to start a blog. About food... no surprises there. It seems that every time I have the urge to post a status update on Facebook, it's food that's taking centre stage - so I have to kind of restrain myself from posting. And no, I'm not eating it all myself, but still, people may get the wrong (or right) impression! :-) Living in South Africa has opened me up to so many culinary delights, its variety of tastes and textures and colours so stimulating to the senses. Not that I try out all the different foods of the different cultures that our beautiful country holds. But for me, food has become a means to socialise. To bring together friends and family around a braai, or delightful dessert or spicy curry (I am Indian after all, even though I've never been to India!). So back to this blog... I want to try a step-by-step visual experience of the recipes I try out at home, from the daily routine curries, to the more exotic Indian dishes, to the decadent desserts. And hopefully, someone learns something new, or is inspired in some small way. Please let me know what you think, and if there's a recipe you want me to try out, then let me know. :-)

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